Live stream preview
WSNF Forum 3 - November 2023
1h 26m
November 2023 Forum: Young Artists and Artisans will present their creative intentions and production stories while showing their products. They speak using a specific format: A 12 frames X 20 sec PowerPoint presentation. Moderated by Yoshiko I. Wada, founder and president of WSNF. This LIVE WSNF forum was held and recorded at the Arimatsu Narumi Shibori Museum in Arimatsu, Japan ( Produced by WSNF with the support of Arimatsu Narumi Shibori Museum. Attended LIVE by Japan Tours 4 participants and members of the Arimatsu Shibori community. Additional host: Hiroshi Murase, shibori artisan and WSNF shibori workshops instructor.